I love 2 dress pictures up with glitter and graphics, I also love 2 play video games, read, and listen 2 music. I have an 11 year old Jack Russell Terrier named Max. I bought him when he was 2 weeks old. As of today (02-08-09) I have been with my terrific husband (Thomas) for 27 years. We have one very special daughter, her name is Ivette and she is 23 years old. They are my world, including Max, who loves us unconditionally as we do him. Ivette lives with her wonderful husband Abdel (Flaco), and her 1 year old Chihuahua, his name is Astro. Since I cannot work due to multiple health reasons I depend on Max, my P.C., my laptop, my video games, and other small activities to keep me company and pass the time while my husband is at work. Between my husband, daughter, and my son-in-law they make sure I have things to keep me busy and focused throughout the day while I am home alone. I wish everyone the same joy and happiness that I receive from my loved ones!!


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Bloody Valentine
Be My Valentine
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