Mércia Fer.

 I'm a fan of Michael Jackson recently, a year ago or so I was a big stupid I did not realize earlier that Michael Jackson was and always will be the king of pop. I started listening to their songs at a time when radio stations played his songs in his honor, since I stopped listening ñ! Sometimes I am very sad because it took while he was alive, but I am very happy to spend the rest of my life enjoying their music, their message of peace love and hope, and I am also very happy to know that: if I became his fan after he was gone, many other people will become fans of it too!
 I believe many people not yet born will be Michael Jackson fans, just as new fans of Elvis Presley.

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keni06 dit:

Il y a 4926 jours
aaaaaaay friend hardly understand anything of what I wrote in the previous comment I do not speak Portuguese aaaa jejeje! I speak Spanish but if you want better we communicate in English is easier for you!

Applause200 dit:

Il y a 4937 jours
o yes my friend this version is free no problem in what use is normal when use is of diferent way 
I hope the informaion you can help my friend
Atte: your friend Applause200

Applause200 dit:

Il y a 4937 jours
Hello friend  I'd like to help but do not understand your question  I hope I can return to repeat the question you properly for answer to help you my friend: D

michaeljackso... dit:

Il y a 4938 jours
plz come to my group:Michael´s biggest fan

keni06 dit:

Il y a 4939 jours
pero me entiendes cuando te escribo en español amiga?
espero que si hehehe!!!

but I mean when I write in Spanish friend?
hehehe hope so!

keni06 dit:

Il y a 4943 jours
oh! hi friend glad to meet you hehe!
I also am a super fan of the king and I love it!
usually speak Spanish but if you find it easier to speak half English and so we can communicate! you say?! okay?! =)


michaeljackso... dit:

Il y a 5007 jours
please come to my group Michael´s biggest fan

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