Karen Hears my OC sSing

Karen Hears my OC sSing
At the first day of the ninja academy, my oc (Kaen which means flame in japanese) sincgs with a special jutso to show it off to the class. Her demon help her with this jutsu but people are still scared of her even though she just wants to have normal friends.TT_TT Her demon is a fire wolf which is why they're scared of her.:( The fire wolf isn't bad but people are so scared that Kaen will lose control of her fire powers which happened once when she was a baby and it killed her parents. Karen (before she was in the akastuski) hears her and falls in love, but never tellls her even though Kaen likes her back.:( Karen later joines the akatsuki and has a crush on Sasuke (Karen is bisexual) but she never forgets Kaen.
gemaakt door: FlameGoth

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5 graphics were used to create this "my oc" picture.
notes musicals music black ( angelgold25 )
Team Hebi --- Uzumaki Karin ---
red bg



Pennywiselove... zegt:

1552 dagen geleden
LMAO! I love Karen's expression on her face XD! Nice job! Five stars!

sniper.of.sag... zegt:

1557 dagen geleden
˜”*°•.˜”*°• Wonderful creation! •°*”˜.•°*”˜
          (ノ>ω<)ノ :。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:♪・゚’☆
(∩,,◕◞౪◟◕)⊃━☆+ ゚ .+ .゚.゚。 ゚ 。. +゚ 。゚.゚。☆*。。 . 。 o .。゚。.o。*
˜”*°•.˜”*°• Have a nice day~ •°*”˜.•°*”˜

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