I n F e C t. M e. W i T h. Y o U r. L o V i N g.

I n F e C t. M e. W i T h. Y o U r. L o V i N g.
OMG OMG OMG I wuv moonlights new lookie THIS ISH GUNA BE HERE NEW LOOKIE FOR A LONG WHILE O3O I just wuv her hair <333 she looks so much mature now ^.^ she has that Did-I-Ask-You look :P lol anyways NEW PROFILE >BU // Name: Lacey (Moonlight) Legacy Azeteus // Date of birth: 6-23-1230 // Place of Origin: Shibuya,Tokyo,Japan. // Occupation: FBI Secret Agent & SAS Piolet/Agent. // Studied at: Art Insituttes, Living arts collage, Assains Academy. // Family: Chris Vanhelen Azeteus. (father) Lindsey Lacrymosa Lagann (mother) -she has lots of more family but too many to name- // Personality: Smart, Crazy, Dangerous (at times), Lazy (not much), Calm, Loving // Religous Views: Alcehmist // Political views: Idk. // Quotes: " For you i'll risk it all" , " I'm not strong enough to let you go" // Inspiration: Bethoven,Skillet,BVB & BB // Sports: Boxing,Ice hockey,Basketball // Tv shows: too much anime lol // Movies: Saw,Jigsaw,Halloween,nightmare on elm st. // Basic info: Moonlight is a really Active Hybrid with supernatural powers which mostly come from her Family tree. at age 7 she was lost n found by another vampire family n cared for about since she was 12. she then n there fell in love with a vampire named dark n married when she was 20 they divorced when she was 30. tho her ex stalked her n often drunk her blood she always was happy about life until the great depression came. after the great deoression she spent her life as a single 16 year old n focused on her life goals. until she meet sonic she fell in love with the blue blur n married eventually they had but only 2 kids, once they divorced her memory of him n the kids were erased. right now she's had alot of changed of her looks n themes but currently she's married n she has 3 kids.// Theme: E.T Katy perry// Moonlight: Haii der ^^
作成者: Sonamy4ever


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"p e r f e c t a"の作成に使われた6コのグラフィック
Background overlay blue
Rainbow Border Frame Fun Fantasy
Black and Blue




4395日 前
so sweet!


4395日 前
OMG !!!!!
this is sooo
awesomee ^^
5 glitter stars XD


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