In Memory of the Death

In Memory of the Death
Volkstrauertag (National Day of Mourning)is a public holiday in Germany. It is observed two Sundays before the first of Advent, and commemorates those who died in war and the victims of violent oppression. In its modern form, it was first observed in 1952. In 1952, in an effort to distinguish Volkstrauertag from Heldengedenktag, its date was changed to the end of the ecclesiastical year, a time traditionally devoted to thoughts of death, time, and eternity. Its scope was also broadened to include those who died due to the violence of an oppressive government, not just those who died in war. An official observation of Volkstrauertag takes place in the German Bundestag. The President of Germany traditionally gives a speech with the Chancellor, the cabinet and the diplomatic corps present. The national anthem and the song "Ich hatt' einen Kameraden" are then played. This year it will be held on 13th November 2011 at 16:00. The President of Germany will read "In memory of Death" at the main commemoration ceremony. In Memory of Death We turn our thoughts today to the victims of violence and war, to children, women and men of all peoples. We turn our thoughts to the soldiers who died in the world wars, and to the people who, through acts of war subsequent internment, lost their lives as exiles and refugees. We turn our thoughts to those who were persecuted and killed because they belonged to another people, to another race, or whose lives were considered worthless because of an illness or disability. We turn our thoughts to those who lost their lives because they put up resistance to violent oppression; an to those who died because they held fast to their convictions or their beliefs. We mourn the victims of wars an civil wars in our day, the victims of terrorism and political persecution, the soldiers and other forces who lost their lives on missions abroad. We turn our thoughts also to those among us who have become victims of hate and violence against foreigners and the vulnerable. We mourn together with mothers and all those who bear the pain of losing someone to death. But our lives stand as a symbol of the hope for reconciliation among peoples and nations, and our responsibility is to uphold the value of peace among people both at home and around the world.
gemaakt door: kerstie_uk

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Gebruikte blingee-stamps

12 graphics were used to create this "in memory of" picture.
Kerstie: Forest Background
Kerstie: Tombstone Gravestone
Kerstie: Dead Soldier
Kerstie: Helmet and Flowers
Kerstie: Tombstone Gravestone
candles @papermoon666
Simple Black Pattern
Simple White Pattern



vlinderenkachel zegt:

4591 dagen geleden
╔══╗╔╗       ★         
╚══╝╚═╩═╩═╩═╝╚╝╚╝  ☆★☆★☆

Seni33 zegt:

4592 dagen geleden
sehr gute erklärung, was uns es bedeutet, hast du sehr gut gemacht und danke....viele wissen es nicht oder sie interresiert es nicht,vielen lieben dank dafür....bussi

mitzi26 zegt:

4592 dagen geleden
Awesome tribute Kerstie! 

winona100 zegt:

4594 dagen geleden
Fantastic 5*****
Greetings Sylvia

m00nPrincess zegt:

4594 dagen geleden
very beautiful memorial creation!:)))

boblisa00 zegt:

4595 dagen geleden
§ð ßê嵆l §ð wðñÐêr£µl...Ì lµv ï† ♥ßðßlï§åØØ

bbateman15 zegt:

4595 dagen geleden

Wonderful work, my friend.
Five stars for you



Hidalgo28 zegt:

4595 dagen geleden
...../ )
....' /
---' (_____
...... ((__)
.... _ ((___)
.... -'((__)

PERFECT!!!Happy Weekend ford you
Hugs and Kisses from Marcel

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