Twilight Saga Fan

"Lua Nova"
"Recuperada do ataque vampiro que a hospitalizou no final de Twilight (Crepúsculo), Bella celebra seu aniversário com seu namorado Edward e a família dele, um clã unico de vampiros que renunciaram ao sangue humano. Mas a celebração termina abruptamente quando a adolescente corta acidentalmente seu braço no vidro quebrado. A visão e o cheiro do sangue dela pingando força a família Cullen a se retirar com medo de serem tentados a fazerem dela uma refeição. Depois de tudo ser consertado, Edward, percebendo o perigo que ele e sua familia criam para Bella, não vê outra opção para a segurança dela além de partir. Sofrendo pela partida dele, ela escorrega numa decadente espiral de depressão que penetra e se prolonga a cada passo dela. Fãs de vampiros vão apreciar o subsequentemente humor severo que permeia o livro, e não é até Bella se tornar amiga de Jacob, um aluno do segundo ano de sua escola com uma queda por motos, que seu ritmo e sua disposição começam a decolar. As aventuras deles são perigosas, atrevidas, subindo e descendo na margem do romance, mas as memorias de Edward prevalescem nas emoções de Bella, e logo a diversão deles se torna perigo, especialmente quando ela descobre as verdadeiras identidades de Jacob e seus amigos." 

"New Moon"
"Recovered from the vampire attack that hospitalized at the end of Twilight (Twilight), Bella celebrates her birthday with her boyfriend Edward and his family, a unique clan of vampires have renounced human blood. But the celebration abruptly ends when the teen accidentally cuts her arm on broken glass. The sight and smell of blood dripping from it forces the Cullen family to retreat for fear of being tempted to make it a meal. After all is fixed, Edward, realizing the danger he and his family create for Bella , sees no other option for her safety as well as from. Suffering from his departure, she slips into a decadent spiral of depression that penetrates and extends to her every step. Fans will enjoy the vampires subsequently severe mood that permeates the book, and not until Bella befriends Jacob, a student of second year of school with a penchant for motorcycles, his pace and willingness to get off. The Adventures of them are dangerous, daring, up and down the bank of the novel, but the memories of Edward prevails in Bella's emotions, and soon their fun becomes a danger, especially when she discovers the true identities of Jacob and his friends. "


  • Numero di volte al centro dell'attenzione: 0
  • Distintivi: 22
  • Blingee Oro: 0
  • Blingee Argento: 4
  • Stamp contribuiti: 202
  • Cartoline: 0

Le mie partecipazioni al concorso

new moon
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Glitter88 ha detto:

5337 days fa
Enter in my group of twilight? :-)

Entri nel mio gruppo twilight? :-)


ThinkinTwilig... ha detto:

5339 days fa
heyya if you like twilight please could you join my club ??? here's the link
 its called twilighters :)

SilverScreenQ... ha detto:

5461 days fa
hey! It's hockeyxhunnix87!!! i created a new name special for the stars of the silver screen =]

Ktbspa ha detto:

5592 days fa
I just edited my group into a pray for Baylee Littrell group. There is a topic thing that is labeled "-help Brian and Leighanne-", read the one i put in there and then write one...please.

BackstreetBoy... ha detto:

5677 days fa
OK i just sent you an email.

The delay was no problem =]. The guys send a bunch of kisses and hugs!!!!=D

BackstreetBoy... ha detto:

5680 days fa
hey there. how are you??? it's been awhile. i was wondering if you could do me a favor... can you email me that picture??? You can comment your email to me... i think you understand the reason why i can't to you. =]

sithy ha detto:

5736 days fa
Thanks for adding me :)

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