xxkataangxx's Badge

Best Boy Blingee Competition 1000+ points Score more than 1000 points in a Best Boy Blingee Competition

Blingees that won this badge

I went to hell and back just to be where I am today...~ Uchiha Sasuke
Art is a Bang~ Deidara (for _shyler879_)
Koga's supporting his comrades
Human or Demon?~ Inuyasha
Sesshomaru realises Rin's dead...
I don't want to die, so you're gonna have to.~ Sesshomaru-sama (for HannahJuly)
We're blood brothers after all~Sesshomaru-samaVsInuyasha
Now it's my time.Time of destruction.~ Sesshomaru-sama wielding Bakusaiga (for Aro256)
Who fight can lose, who doesn't fight has already lost~ Sesshomaru-sama (for 43951269)

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