Abzeichen von Risiana

Bestes Anime-Blingee-Wettbewerb 1500 Punkte und höher Erhalte über 1500 Punkte in einem Bestes Anime-Blingee-Wettbewerb

Mit diesem Abzeichen ausgezeichnete Blingees

"there always will be an angel right beside you" (full title in description!!)
purple dream
luka for a contest =) (title in description =))
it was you, who taught me, that it doesn't have to be sunny, to feel good =)
"summer feeling" - full title in description =)
"at the end of a rainbow there is a treasure" =)
"you're the only one.." - full title in description!!"
title in description!!!
beautiful night - full title in description!!

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