Gold (Ethan), Sliver, Soul (Kontone)

Gold (Ethan), Sliver, Soul (Kontone)
I hope i spelled ''Kontone'' correctly, shes my 1st favorite pokemon trainer, but i never saw her in the anime though even though she was on it xD Dawn & Kontone FTW! i call Kontone Soul, her actual name be4 anyone knew much about her, same goes with White (Hinase). I have Heartgold & its so fun. I completed it <3 Soul: *walking down the forest* Hurry up Cyindaquil! our next battle AWAITS! i mean just THINK, we will get that badge! i know it! i'll become the queen of pokemon battles ^^ course, i wont blabber about this on the way there & to others, that seems rude~ Cyindaquil: *sigh* (R-Right ^^'') Sliver: C'mon out now nobody will see you Gold: But dude im so embrassed.. what if Soul sees me!? Sliver: She wont i promise, besides, i need to show-off the largest pikachu in the world to upset Soul.. it amuses me when shes upset heheheh >;3 Gold: ...Oh no shes coming! GAHH *hides in bush* Sliver: PLEASE T_T *grabs him out* Soul: *humming pokemon theme* Eh? .... Sliver: ._... Gold: ...crap. Pikachu: *climbs on his head* (Mother! i missed you!) Soul: ...Im so catching Gold! *laughs* Sliver: SHUT UP THIS IS SERIOUS BUSSINESS >.<
アップした人: Soulangel11


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