abbie and madison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we r dancers,bestfriends,and middle schoolers.!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are sharing our acount , just cause. we definately like pretty wierd things and luv 2 b odd. we spend most of our time acting stupid, dancing, and laffing! :)
We have been friends for so long i cant even count.
No matter what we do we always have fun and laugh about it!!
we are starting middle school.
give our pictures lots of comments, and helpful advice 4 middle school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks so much for looking at our page!


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  • バッジ: 0
  • Gold Blingees: 0
  • Silver Blingees: 0
  • スタンプ貢献度: 0
  • ポストカード: 0


puppy love
bestest buds


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