The Random Blingee Challenge! :D

The Random Blingee Challenge! :D

You join this and you make the Blingees it tells you to make in the pro :D When you finish... You're awesome :D

So here's the list of Blingee's to make!

Make a Blingee of..

1.You! Of course!
2.You with your mom or dad!
3.Your pet!(If you have one:P)
4.Your favorite star!
5.Something that creeps you out!
6.Something you love!
7.You eating something!
8.You drinking something!
9.You with your brother or sister!(If you have one:P)
10.Something weird you found on google xD!
11.Your best friend!
12.A donut :D
13.Your awesomest shirt!
14.Your awesomest pair of shoes!
15.Whatever you want lol xD!

When you make the Blingee, title it with the name of the number you're on!
#7. A Picture of You Drinking Something.

In the description you will write at least one sentence about the picture. :D

Have fun with the challege even though it's totally pointless :D
キーワード: AWESOME Blingee bieber challenge justin


if your awesome post on this topic :D
updated by: ImmaFluffyBunny, 4439日 前
コメント: 2