helooooo kitttttttty

helooooo kitttttttty

whoever loves hello kitty and thinks she is the cutest kitty ever can join this group. ohhhhhhhhhh wutever whoever wants they can join but plzzzzzzz join this awsome group and put ur own blingeessss in thxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • 創始者: nikkki773
  • ナンバー数: 4
  • Blingee数: 2
                  HELLO KITTTTTY!!!!!!

this group is a free group there is no name if u want to add a blingee it doesnt have to be only a hello kitty picture like i said its freee addd wutever u like 

this group is special cuz welll im the founder
just kidding 

whoever doesnt even like hello kitty you could still join i dont really mind as i said its a freee group anyone could join and they dont even have to have pctures of helllo kitty put wutever blingee you'd like put a selena gomez, demi lavato, britney spears, micheal jackson, zac efron, or welll anyone or anything you'd like
I DONT CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

             !!!!!THIS IS A FREEE GROUP!!!!!

plzzzzz join and add any blingee you'd like and plzzzzzzzzzzzz comment


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キーワード: group hello kitty


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