thiz group iz all bout ur favorite celebritiez if u like a celebrity and the group doeznt have it comment me telling what celebrity and add a blingee 2 it! every celebrity that u like will b here just tell me! good luk and have fun!

what celebrity do u lik?
who iz ur favorite?
who singz better?
any thing like that then u r welkom     hey ppl thiz iz an official site of any celebrity U would like!   just tell me and the group if any of the celebritiez u like isint here and if u like one and i dont know that celebrity ill look it up and none of the celebritiez u like would not b here  all of them will b here  u can add any blingeez and ill add it  thiz group iz 4 anyone  any age any any thing any language....    seriously ill do anything 2 find ur celebrity and purchase it on thiz group and if u add a blingee 2 thiz group ill enter it 2 the celebrity contezt!!!!   have fun!
キーワード: celebrities


selena gomez
updated by: chikitaperopi..., 5749日 前
コメント: 1