Because of You_Claudiamexi_Cure Lupus

Because of You_Claudiamexi_Cure Lupus
Because of you there was so much data collected that it may lead to a cure for Lupus in the future. Because of you going through the horrendous pain of the cells injected in your spine..this could lead to a treatment or cure for Lupus. Because of you more people are aware of Lupus and this could lead to funding for more research to help find a cure. Because of you people have come together showing so much love and support for all conditions and lasting friendships were made. Because of you some have God in their lives now where He was not before. Because of you people have seen strength, faith, courage, generosity, unconditional love, and concern for others before yourself. Because of you I have learned love comes from many unexpected places and can be more powerful than anything ever experienced before. Because of you I am grateful for every single breath I take and every blade of grass that grows. Because of you I will make it through anything life has prepared for me good or bad. The world has been a better place.....because of you. I love you. Mama T
creado por: tx_gal

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Sellos de Blingee utilizados

Se han usado 16 gráficos para crear esta foto "because of you".
transparent background
purple abstract ovrly b16
Border overlay deco purple
Glitter Stars Transparent AT
Wings goth gothic transparent fantasy background angel
Pretty goth girl in purple (bj)
purple flowers b16
transparent ABUSE AWARNESS ribbon
Bling 4
Neon frame purple [_IamNina_]
Purple Stars
Simple White Pattern



mandarinschen dice:

hace 4812 días
god bless you my texas girl

mandarinschen dice:

hace 4812 días
you mission is over my brave beautyful mamaT you give your babygirl that lifedream she deserve now she will protect you from heaven.. because of you she feel that love from a beautyful mamaheart because of you she was so strong to go and fight so hard because of you we all get friends with her we became acquainted with the enchanting nature because of you she felt that miracle she was sooo happy and baby she absolutly enjoy because of you that beautyful butterflyeffect startet because of you 

suzanne-angel dice:

hace 4812 días
I am at lost for words but know this mama T .you did what you had to do and for this I am proud to have you as a friend sending some love to you 

bobbi053 dice:

hace 4830 días
Oh WOW!!  This is Gorgeous and such a Beautiful tribute to a courage's lady.  She is an AMAZING woman, still praying for a cure!
Love You Both, Hugs and Kisses... ♥♥♥♥♥!!!

papuzzetto dice:

hace 4831 días
Fantastic my dear!!!!
; ° ° ‘; - ., , ‘ )
(♥_, )’__,)’-._)

BELV dice:

hace 4831 días
C'est une très jolie création tendrement féérique et magiquement douce !

LillySwanC dice:

hace 4831 días

ClaudiaMexi dice:

hace 4831 días
Ooooomgosh...I so love this creation but the words somehow overpower it...Mama thank you for this and thank you for loving me...I hope and pray that it will help in some small way to bring peace to others that suffer from SLE...This monster needs to be blown away and if I helped then it was all worth it...With God and you and everyone of these angels God has sent my way I am blessed...I cant tell you enough what you mean to me...I love you...

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