.Inseperable.Love. _Part 3_ *The Love Begins*

.Inseperable.Love. _Part 3_ *The Love Begins*
*Dustin's at Ashley's House* Ahley: you want anything to drink or eat or w/e xD Dustin: *laughs* no i'm good. Ashley:OK then let's start doin our homework. *they open their books* Dustin: O.O Ashley:what's wrong? Dustin:I forgot how much bull shit this book was filled with. Ashley:HAHAHA!!! hey i'm hungry i'll be right back. Dustin:ok. *Ashley walks in the kitchen* Ashley:hey you guys is the water cold yet? Damon:almost just keep stalling him. Katlin:we need more ice O.o Ashley: *laughs* there's some more in that huge freezer right over there. Katlin:sweet xD *Ashley walks back in the living room* Dustin:dude you already did your homework. Ashley: oh yea that's right i forgot xD Dustin:gee thanks -.- Ashley:you can copy it if u want. Dustin:SWEET!!! *Dustin's done with his homework* Dustin:DAMN IT THAT WAS A LOT OF BULL SHIT!!! Ashley:*laughs* i know right, hey since we're done let's go in the backyard for a few. Dustin:ok. *they're walking in the backyard* Dustin:damn it i forgot how big ur pool was *.* Ashley:HAHAHA!!! Dustin:hey you have any pepsi? Ashley: it's over there in that giant cooler. Dustin:SHIT THAT'S HUGE!!! Ashley:HAHAHA!!! i think you forgot A LOT. Dustin:yea well what you gonna do. *Dustin walks to the cooler, and the rest of the group pops out and dumps the cold water on him* Dustin:WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT THIS IS COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *everyone laughs* Ashley:LOL!!! you were right Damon that was fun xD Damon:I KNOW RIGHT!!! XD *Dustin Pushes Damon in the pool and jumps in and starts to wrestle him* Kyle:OH SWEET ANOTHER FIGHT!!! Katlin:I'LL GET THE POPCORN!!! *they all sit and watch* *30 minutes later* Dustin and Damon:oh wait guys you know what sound good at the moment. Kyle:SLIP'N'SLIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Damon and Dustin: HELL YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *later on at 7 pm* Ashley: hey Dustin can you come with me in my room for a sec i wanna talk to you. Dustin: sure. *they're in the room* Ashley:i've been wanting to say this for a while... Dustin:say what? *Ashley freezes for a while* Dustin:Ashley it's me you can tell me anything. Ashley:um i've been having this crush on somone but i know he doesn't like me back. Dustin:are you kidding who wouldn't like you. Ashley:YOU! Dustin: O.O Ashley:see i told you. Dustin: oh wow um... *freezes for a minute* well i don't see why we can't try. Ashley:really? Dustin: yea. *Ashley hugs him* *Dustin blushes* Ahley: *giggles* aww you're blushing. Dustin:no im not. *Ashley laughs* *they stare at each other for a while* *Dustin kisses Ashley* ***At the backyard*** Damon: Damn they're taking a long time. Katlin: i know right, looks like Ashley REALLY wanted to talk to him. Damon:well speeking of which... i've been meaning to talk to you. Katlin:ok, you wanna talk on the porch cuz these two seem to love watching. *Jessica and Kyle laugh their asses off* Damon:yea why don't we xD *At the porch* Damon:um... i kinda been... um... Katlin: yes?... Damon:well you know how when you're friends with someone for so long you kinda start to have mixed feelings for them? Katlin:yea... Damon: well i kinda... Katlin:yes? Damon:you know what this was great thanks for listening. Katlin:Damon are you sure that's it -.- Damon:OK I HAVE FEELINGS FOR YOU!!! OK!!! *Katlin freezes* Damon:you know what i shouldn't have said anything. Katlin:no it's just that... Damon:what? *Katlin kisses Damon* Kyle: damn it this got boring -.- Jessica:i know i know, hey you want some ice cream? Kyle:is it vanilla? Jessica:no... Kyle:HELL YES!!! *Jessica laughs* *they walk into the kitchen and start to eat some chocolate ice cream* Kyle:OH-MY-GOD!!! THIS IS HEAVEN!!! Jessica:HAHAHA!!! *Dustin and Ashley come downstairs holding hands* Kyle and Jessica: O.O what's up you 2? Dustin: we're together. Kyle:like... together together? Ashley:yup. Kyle:AWWW!!! GIMME A HUG YOU GUYS!!! *they hug* Dustin:uh dude the ice cream THE ICE CREAM!!! Kyle:oh yea!!! *eats the rest* Jessica:HOLY SHIT KYLE I DIDN'T EVEN HAVE 3 BITES!!! Kyle:WELL IT'S YOUR FAULT FOR EATING SLOW!!! Ashley:hey where are Damon and Katlin? *Damon and Katlin walk in* Damon:uh why are you guys holding hands? Ashley:we're together. Damon:you're shitting me? Dustin:i shit you not, why? Damon:cuz me and Katlin just got together. Kyle:WHAT ARE THE ODDS OF THAT HAPPENING!!! xD Jessica:dude i think that ice cream got to you. Kyle:YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT IT DI.. OW BRAIN FREEZE!!! AHHH!!!!!!!!!! *everyone falls on the floor laughing* Ashley:hey let's go celebrate. Kyle:RED ROBIN!!! RED ROBIN!!! RED ROBIN!!! Dustin:OK!!! OK!!! OK!!! (((to be continued)))
создатель: Xx.Insepe...

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Для создания этой картины "i love you 3" было использовано 10 рисунков.
SLip n Slide
turquoise/aqua frame
Emo Couple 2 ...[♥]...
black flashy
Simple Light Blue Pattern



melanie010201 пишет:

4996 дней назад
Awww that love is so CUTE!

JOHNESHIA6789J.I пишет:

5080 дней назад
love it!

Larcy.GiRL пишет:

5080 дней назад
this is awesome!!!!!
i <3 it!!!

amg97 пишет:

5083 дня назад
aww this is sweet ^.^

xxRockfanxx пишет:

5083 дня назад
hahahahahaha! Wow this is a lot of fun!!! I can't wait for the next one!

Ayame_91 пишет:

5083 дня назад
Ummmmm...serious things begin XD
Hahaha waiting for part 4! =D

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