You are my LIFE now. (i am putting the ednings or breaking dawn and eclipse here-i dont want to ruin anything so be aware!)

You are my LIFE now. (i am putting the ednings or breaking dawn and eclipse here-i dont want to ruin anything so be aware!)
i will put a part of breaking dawn here- please don't be offended if i ruin anything for you. here is where im starting- the sixth paragraph on the very last page of eclipse: " Ii's a good thing you're bulletproof." I sighed. "I'm going to need that ring. It's time to tell charlie." He laughed at the expression on my face. "Highly dangerous," he agreed. He laughd again and then reached into the pocket of his jeans. "But at least there's no need for a side trip." He once again slid my ring into place on the third finger of my left hand. Where it would stay- conceivably for the rest of eternity. the wedding day- im starting at the sixth paragraph on page 48 in breaking dawn: All i really saw was edward's face. it filled my vvision and overwhelmed my mind. now the 3rd paragraph on page 49: Our vows were the simple, traditional words that had been spoken a million times, though never by a couple quite like us. now the fifth paragraph on page 49: i didnt realize i was crying until it was time to say the binding words. "I do," I managed to choke out in a nearly unintellegeable whisper, blinking my eyes clear so i could see his face. now, the very last page in the very last book of the twilight saga- breaking dawn: I laughed breathlessly when his urgent kiss interrupted my efforts again. "Damn it," he growled, kissing hungrily down the edge of my jaw. "We have plently of time to work on it," I reminded him. "Forever and forever and forever," he murmured. "that sounds exactly right to me." And then we continued blissfully into this small but perfect peice of our forever. those are the best parts!! (besides the heartstopping birth or renesmee, which i didnt include. oh man that part scared the crap out of me!) doesnt that sound like forever? a happy ending. :)
criado por: sunsetpri...

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Carimbos de Blingee usados

8 ilustrações foram usadas para criar esta imagem de "you are my sunshine".
Bella and Edward
Background tlo  transparent deco
more than my own life
Animated red hearts
Simple Red Pattern
Edward and Bella
SPARKLES FRAME silver / scrapworld
vintage - gothic frame



smileyouronTV disse:

5241 days atrás

90210charmedfan disse:

5265 days atrás
Marvelous 5*

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