The Hunt, I Am Wolf, 400X400

The Hunt, I Am Wolf, 400X400
Jana Mashonee is a Native American of Lumbee/Tuscarora descent & a very talented & beautiful singer/songwriter. Michael Spears is the male Native American image. The Buffalo are Native American Metallic artwork, color enhanced. I am doing this for all those who are looking for some alternate images to what we have had available for such a long time. As most know, buffalo were an essential part of the sustenance & provisioning required to sustain life & provide shelter, tools, clothing, weapons, & food. Native Americans took only what was needed to survive, living in harmony with their environment, giving back in balance with nature, honoring their people & their beliefs, & their creator in the simplicity of a symbiotic relationship that worked very well for countless generations. We would do well to learn from their example.
アップした人: mtlonewolf


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