Mrs. Pattinson

~I'M A VAMPIRE~ Well not really although sometimes I wish I were because they're life seems so grand and wonderful just to get away from the world for a while and run away forever. They interest me so much that I can't stand it.

I love the Twlight series and the movies,books-I like how romantic they are and the movie- just gives the main ideas of the book I think if they added to much detail it would have been way to predictable but I wish they would have added- when Edward cares Bella to the nurses office because she fainted because of the blood and my fave part- Edward stays the night with Bella and after she showers Edward is waiting for her in the rocking chair with open arms ready to hold her close then in the movie that same thought but they start kissing its SO ROMANTIC I LOVE IT!.

I actually think of that scene with Rob because I'm unconditionaly in love with him and I don't even know him, he has all the qualites that I want in a spouse - beautiful/handsome, smart,supporting, caring, has a cute British Accent which he never uses probably because he's ashamed of it or something and most importantly loving.


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RoB pAtTiSoN


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