My Swordplay Is Peerless!!!

My dream is to become the best blingeer of the world!!!
Former Comrade Clan:Mainegi Kainegi Sainegi 


  • Male im Rampenlicht: 0
  • Abzeichen: 61
  • Goldene Blingees: 237
  • Silberne Blingees: 247
  • Stamp-Beiträge: 0
  • Postkarten: 0

Meine Wettbewerbsbeiträge

Is Wedding Time
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AkiraMarbela sagt:

Vor 1183 Tage
For various reasons, we have had difficulties in blingee due to flash, and although they have announced the unfortunate closure, I want to be positive.
I will always be grateful to blingee for letting me meet you and be part of your friends.
I will be on the site that several have moved to (PicMix) with the same user (AkiraMarbela).
Once again, thank you, I'll keep coming in and keep an eye out for things to change on the fantastic site. Take care and see you. Hugs.
† AkiraMar †

sayma1973 sagt:

Vor 1232 Tage
Hola! Como estas, sigues en blingee ?
Un saludo y que te vaya bien . Muchisimos besos y abrazos ! 

yuliette5 sagt:

Vor 2277 Tage
Mi querido amigo. Paso por tu perfil para dejarte como siempre Saludosssssssss
Que te vaya bien donde quiera que estés.
Buenas noches.


raysmith42 sagt:

Vor 2560 Tage
Hello my friend. I have a new video
on youtube. Please check It out and let 
me know what you think. Just copy
and paste the link in your browser.

kali_rey sagt:

Vor 2676 Tage
♦♥♪¡Feliz Navidad querid@ Amig@! ¡espero que la pases bien con tus familiares y amigos!♪♥♦

♦♥♪Merry Christmas dear friend! I hope you pass it well with your family and friends!♪♥♦

With Love/Con Amor: Kitty ♥ Kisses for you/Besos para ti 

yuliette5 sagt:

Vor 2679 Tage
Si algun dia regresas encontraras mis saludos

Feliz navidad y
           Feliz Año 2017

                      Abrazos *_*

raysmith42 sagt:

Vor 2832 Tage
New video on my youtube channel.
Copy and paste in your browser and check it out. Let me know what you think. Thanks

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