Hi I'm Vanessa Ann Hudgen's I Have An Account On Youtube Name ImVanessa21

I'm Nice Please Belive I'm Vanessa I'm 18 My Boy Friend Is Zac Please Belive Me Fan's  


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  • Stamp Contributions: 1
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frankdiz says:

5905 days ago
Your such a liar but thats cool add me

babyvahudgens says:

5955 days ago
she only has a music myspace, nothing else!!!!

babyvahudgens says:

5955 days ago
ur not baby v!!!! u spelled anne wrong! and believe! if u r nessa, give proof, and more description of u! believe me, ur not nessa.

BabyVanessa14 says:

5964 days ago
ur not Vanessa! why would V have a blingee account? that's pretty pointless! the only account she has for anything is myspace!!! no youtube account and no blingee account!! Vanessa having a blingee account would just be stupid! so please stop posing!

vanessa2cute says:

6048 days ago
slut baby-v

vanessa2cute says:

6048 days ago
im not ur bff slut

AshleyTisdale... says:

6049 days ago
-al slutty whorie baby-v

AshleyTisdale... says:

6049 days ago
poser god cant ppl relize that celebirtys dont really care about going on the internet if you were really vanessa u could have an blingee account but you wouldnt have enough time to sit and talk to ppl ok shut up so and give the act up ur not the rea

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