Carissa Schizophrenia

Name: Carissa
Age: 14
Location: United States
Last Online: 5/29/2011

"In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take, relationships we were afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too longto make."
Hi. I'm Carissa. I'm a shy girl. I'm not perfect. I talk dirty. Yeah, i cuss. I'm a e-thug. Life blows. Why are some people so mean? I like people. People inspire me. I'm confused with life. I'm still a teen learning how things work in this world. Boys and Girls are sweet =3 I wanna be your friend. I like World of WarCraft. Your cool for reading all this. Mhm, purple is my favorite color. I like hair. I like your hair. Can I play with it? :( It's sooo fluffyyy! Yeah, i'm weird. Mkay babies i'm done here.Peace out

You only have one life to do whatever you want with. In 100 years nobody will remember the stupid mistakes you made, so make a fool of yourself while you still have have the chance, because if you spend your whole life trying to be the coolest kid around, you will never be happy with youself.

My Youtube:



  • Spotlight掲載回数: 0
  • バッジ: 10
  • Gold Blingees: 0
  • Silver Blingees: 6
  • スタンプ貢献度: 0
  • ポストカード: 0


Drama Queen
Drama Queen




4750日 前
ello :)


4751日 前
Hi Carissa, I'm Brenda Byrd2599 I just voted on all your blingees don't worry about going back on mine just try & keep up from now on I have 32 page or more that's to many for any one to vote on. here is one of my fave I sent out welcome blinge last night I like dark poems & goth art but I do some of it all. Get in groups get blingees out there. If I can help let me know. Your new friend Brenda Byrd 2599


4753日 前
can u plz comment on meh blingeez


Blingeeに参加しよう (全て無料),
ログイン (すでにメンバーの方).

My ギフト

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CrazyyCarissaさんはまだチャレンジトロフィーを獲得していません。 今すぐチャレンジを探す/作成する!