
書き込み: 3039日 前
Hello friends and welcome to the group Anything Vintage. Feel free to post all your vintage blingees here. Sorry for the delays in accepting and commenting on your creations. Most of the time, I'm away from my computer and it's hard to comment via a cell phone. Thank you to all that have 'submitted' their beautiful creations and hopefully, this group will expand in future. Love to all of you. Xx
書き込み: 3039日 前
書き込み: 3038日 前
Thank you very much.
書き込み: 2907日 前
Hi Melanie,  Thank you for accepting me into your Circle.  I love anything Vintage.  It is always nice to meet new people.  Have a wonderful weekend!
書き込み: 2905日 前
Thank you and Welcome to the group. Have a wonderful and safe Sunday.