Flash Alternatives

書き込み: 1229 days 前
I found this article that shows flash alternatives.  I haven't tried any of them yet.  May this help.

書き込み: 1228 days 前
Greetings :)
Oh! okay !

I will have to check this out 
Thanks for sharing 
書き込み: 1228 days 前
書き込み: 1228 days 前
Thank you, Tracy.
書き込み: 1228 days 前
I'd say that you all should be cautious with this.
Since nobody owns Flash anymore, the hackers can get easily over your infos.
I can understand that nobody likes this period, where nobody can create anything, but this is about your safety.
I'd rather go weeks without making Blingees, than having my computer hacked and my informations stolen.
Even Adobe strongly recommends us to uninstall Flash/any browser that still supports it.
Just wait till Blingee will be converted to HTML5.

Edit: For example, today the Blingee team was online. So I'm assuming they are working at something.
書き込み: 1228 days 前
Well my computer operates in Windows S 10 I forgot it is in protect mode So I will have to just wait and see what the Blingee team will do if anything...I still have some faith that they will come through for us
書き込み: 1228 days 前
Even though my hopes almost faded, I'm still trying to believe in them. I hate the fact that they are not updating us with anything. It's frustrating me that they are leaving us just like that.
Still, seeing them active today, made have a sparkle of hope.
I'm just begging you all to avoid any kind of browser that still supports Flash. It's not safe.
書き込み: 1228 days 前
@Teodoruka LMAO I know you are shaking your head and laughing because I had to stop and laugh at myself ! LOL Listen I am having withdrawals! Ok !
It is real over here LOL 
But seriously I am going to be patient and not put my computer at risk especially since you saw the team online That alone gives me more hope

Hugs :)
書き込み: 1228 days 前
Ahhh lmao I see what you did there, hahaha!!! XDDD
書き込み: 1228 days 前
HAHAHAHA I needed this laugh my friend!!!
書き込み: 1226 days 前
My nickname on that pi ... x site (I can't say the name of the site, but I believe you know which one I'm talking about) is the same as here michelle1234oi, but I still have hope for the Blingee