Triple Trouble: Episode One "Joe's Wrong Date"

Triple Trouble: Episode One "Joe's Wrong Date"
**THIS IS A STORY ABOUT HOW 3 BROTHERS ALL LIKE THE SAME GIRL, THEN NONE OF THEM END UP WITH THE GIRL** Kevin - So, Joe, how's the test coming? Joe - Not so good, I flunked it!! Kevin - Ha! Now Angela's gonna like me, the smart one!! Joe - Hello? I'm the cute one! Besides she's asked me out before the bell rang! Kevin - I hate you! Joe - I know you're joking! Kevin - So... where are you two going? Joe - Golden Gate Kevin - St. Louis? Joe - No, Kev, we're going to a fancy restaraunt! Kevin - oh I hate those! Go to Chuck E Cheese! Joe - I don't wanna! Besides it's girl's choice! Kevin - Oh really? (starts to leave) Joe - I have an idea...... (Kevin looks back in surprise) Joe - We each have a date and after the last brother dates Angela, we'll see who has the best date and who ever does, wins the girl! Oh, wait, I already did! (laughs) Kevin - You're on! Where's Nick? (Behind Kevin, tapping his shoulder) Kevin - (screams.... not like a girl) ;) Nick - So, you two like Angela?? She's mine! We're both 16! Joe - Older or same age, I'm the best!! Nick - U don't know that!! Joe - Okay lemme get this straight........... I'm winning the girl you got that? Nick - Dude, you're freakin' me out! (At Golden Gate) Angela - Wow, Joe, you could afford this? Joe - Ummmm sure? Angela - Well this place I find is magnificent! Joe - Is that spanish for really gold? Angela - i'm not from Mexico, or ANYWHERE from there! Joe - Don't u take spanish? Angela - THat's you! I take German! Joe - Oh right (they sit down at an empty table) Joe - What'cha want for food? Angela - I'm getting the shrimp! Joe - Um..... okay... whatever..... Angela - U don't like shrimp? Joe - No! Angela - C'mon I was joking, what place do u think this is? Red Lobster? Joe - Yea I did. Angela - Golden Gate is where rich people go! Unlike me! Joe - Well I'm rich, I think! Angela - You're a popstar, of course you're rick! Joe - Oh (they order it.... then comes the food and they eat it then they're done) Joe - So how'd u like the date? Angela - It was okay, I could do better, like Chuck E. Cheese (right when she says chuck e cheese they are in his house) Kevin - Aha told you Joe!! Find out for Episode Two!
создатель: SophiaSta...

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Для создания этой картины "joe's" было использовано 14 рисунков.
Muro Glitter
Frame Design by Avia Sunanda ★<;)
Background tlo transparent
foil glitter silver frame
Jonas  Brothers
ipod touch
Joe  Jonas
border frame  ramki transparent
white glitter star
black fiocco♥♥♥--
border frame ramki
balck white grey
Simple Black Pattern



karime_misty1 пишет:

5474 дня назад
Nicee (:

drpepper3 пишет:

5478 дней назад
that's cute lolz u & my other friend are both writing these now lolz!

princess_addi... пишет:

5478 дней назад
That's really really good!! Can't wait for episode 2 I really can't!! <33 sissy, you're a storyist!! :) lol 

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