Pancreatic Cancer Took Her Away From Us!

Pancreatic Cancer Took Her Away From Us!
The woman above is my mother-in-law & she loved angels. Unfortunately, pancreatic cancer took her away from us on January 6, 2007. Do you know why pancreatic cancer is the worst cancer out there? It's because there is NO routine testing for this monster of a cancer! They can't specifically test you because they STILL don't know how you get it! Therfore, there is NO cure as of this date! Most of the time when a patient is diagonosed with this cancer, it's in its advanced stages. Depending on the extent of the tumor at the time of diagnosis, the prognosis is generally regarded as poor, with less than 5% of those diagnosed still alive 5 years after diagnoses, and complete remission is EXTREMELY rare. Pancreatic cancer has been called a "silent disease" because early pancreatic cancer often does not cause symptoms. The later symptoms are usually non-specific and varied. COMMON SYMPTOMS INCLUDE: Pain in the upper abdomen that typically radiates to the back and is relieved by leaning forward. Loss of appetite or nausea & vomiting. Painless jaundice (yellow skin/eyes, dark urine) related to bile duct obstruction (carcinoma of the head of the pancreas). All of these symptoms can have multiple other causes. That's why people are often misdiagnosed and by the time they are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, it has already severly advanced. Doctors have said that this is the most frustrating cancer out there! There are predisposing factors for pancreatic cancer: Age (particularly over 60) Male Gender African-American Ethnicity Smoking-cigarette smoking nearly doubles one's risk, and the risk persists for at least a decade after quitting. Diets-low in vegetables & fruits Diets-high in red meats Obesity Diabetes Mellitus Helicobacter Pylori-infection Occupational-exposure to certain pesticides, dyes, and chemicals related to gasoline. Family History-5-10% of pancreatic cancer patients have a family history of pancreatic cancer. The genes responsible for most of this clustering in families have yet to be identified. Gingivitis or peridontal disease. NOTE: My mother-in-law was only 59 when she passed from this monster.
作成者: guardian06


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5683日 前
I am so sorry for your loss. I know it must be hard to talk about this and I want to thank you for doing so.


5692日 前
Iam so sorry, know it was painful to make this blingee.So many hugz to u Debs.


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