Love Is A Thing That Can Fade Away And Scar

Love Is A Thing That Can Fade Away And Scar
I think love is a thing that can fade away and scar someone's heart. At the moment my love for a friend (he was mentioned in my description of Everything Green) is fading slowly, I don't know what to tell him or how to say it. He is soft hearted so I'll make him upset. I held a grudge with him for nine months, I told him I didn't want to be his friend anymore once but he was a bit upset. Even though he has stopped doing what annoys me, when I sing and dance for his enemies, I still get that feeling that my so called best friend is there and I get angry. I want to tell him that I don't want to be his friend but I'll upset him badly. Then again, he has his other friends so I won't break his heart to say goodbye to me. Rosealia, I need your friendly advice.
erstellt von: Elarn03

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Vintage butterfly frame,purple.©Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ...hïρρÿсhïсќ33
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Blue Glitter
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Rosealia sagt:

Vor 4971 Tage
Im So sorry I havent been here for you! Ive been having some troubles of my own! And well...   They say if you hold grudges, something will go wrong. They say if you do not tell the truth, Oh darling your heart will turn jaded black. You must tell him how you feel, But also why.Comfort him, and let him know it was fun but it didnt last. And this time "Forever" Was not so long. He will be upset, for he still finds A Friend in you....

Nappi025 sagt:

Vor 4972 Tage

karolaa94 sagt:

Vor 4973 Tage
uii me da miedo pero esta re chevere te felicito amiwisa

EEAnola1 sagt:

Vor 4973 Tage
great iidea  ! real life  !

liizzii123 sagt:

Vor 4973 Tage
Original !+5

smokeyeyes sagt:

Vor 4973 Tage
 So sad +5 my dear.

madolin12 sagt:

Vor 4973 Tage

SunMoonStars sagt:

Vor 4973 Tage
oh i'm sorry your having a hard time! Love can be very difficult sometimes and it's hard to make the decision you think is best. Good luck sweetie, wish you the best! 5*

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