Lairum pt.1

Lairum pt.1
Tails:*comes in*Guys,look at this machine I've been working on!It's my latest invention!~Me:What do you call it?~Tails:I didn't give it a name it,...this machine can make clones out of people!~Sonic:That sounds great!~Tails:All I need is someone to step inside so I can test it.~Me:Can I try?~Tails:Sure!~Me:*steps inside*~*buzzing noises*~Everyone:.................~Me and twin:*steps out*~Rosy:*comes in the room*Oh my God,Murial,THERES TWO OF YOU!!!!!~Murial:Wow, look just like me!~Tails:An exact copy!Me:I'm calling you Lairum!It's "Murial" spelled backwords!=3~Lairum:*runs away*~Me:Where's she going?~Sonic:I dunno,mabey it was something important....(The next morning)~Yumi:*wakes-up**turns T.V. on*~Announcer:We report this news from last night,seems like a rarely looking cat has been causing trouble at Misty Lane avanue,killing more then 60 sidisons.The police have took pictues of the suspect,and will be keeping an eye on her.~Yumi:*gets off bed**go's to my room*MURDERUR!!!!~Me:Huh?~Yumi:I'm not stupid,I SAW YOU ON THE NEWS,YOU KILLED OVER 60 PEOPLE!!!~Me:Oh,no!It must of been my clone,Lairum!*put's jacket on*~Yumi:What are you doing!?~Me:I'm looking for my clone,so she can stop causing trouble!~Yumi:You can't go outside,The police are looking for you!~Me:I have to,....I can't let Lairum go out there killing people!She's my clone,and my resposibility!*go's out side*(What will happen to Murial!?Will she stop Lairum from killing sidisons of Misty Lane av?Find out next in "Lairum;The ultimute pt.2",coming soon(proboly next week))*BTW:The real me is the one on the right,you can tell by the eyes.*
gemaakt door: murialthe...

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7 graphics were used to create this "1" picture.
Clouds Background
red  background
Animated red hearts
dark blue glitter
Heart Pendant - Yellow Topaz



Sonic2223 zegt:

4984 dagen geleden
Me: I was gonna ask if i could try to but... Maybe that's not such a good idea... '^^ (Nice blingee btw, +5! :D)

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