Jade ,Her stepbrother Zack and Lane

Jade ,Her stepbrother Zack and Lane
Story: When Jade's mother was shot a buck came to save her the buck took Jade to his den to meet Zack her stepbrother. One day the father (Bronco) took Zack and Jade to the meadow. Then a doe and a young buck that is a little older than Zack came to the meadow too. The doe wanted his son Lane to meet the two fawns. He liked Jade as a friend but not Zack because he does not like him being Jade's stepbrother. That night Lane and Zack started to fight over Jade to be her stepbrother. Then the father and Jade stopped the fight then the father gets trapped. Zack freed his dad but it was to late the man was to close to them. Lane,Zack, and Jade and the father started to run. Jade gets mad at Lane and Zack because they started that fight. Zack said he was really sorry and Lane did to. Jade liked Zack as her stepbrother better than Lane. Lane got mad at Zack so Lane told Zack to race over Jade again. Lane found a spot to race and Lane and Zack ran as fast as they could and Zack won the race. Then one spring morning Zack's friend Jupper (son of Thumper) told a story about how Zack and Lane fighted. then Zack comes and his new pair of antlers then a porcipine got Zack and kissed Jade. Then Lane comes to strike revenge over Zack then he steps on a turtle on the turtle bit Lane on the nose and he ran away Bambi (son of Flower) said I told you turtles are scary. Then the father yelled for Zack and Jade. The father said to Jade said this is where he first met her mother. Jade was surprised at her father said he was alot like Jade. Mouths passed Zack was all grown up into a handsome young buck. them Jumper came then Bambi came to say hi to Zack. Then Friend owl said about being in love. Zack,Jumper.and Bambi laughed at to owl. them Bambi met a girl skunk and feel in love then Jumper fell in love too. It was Zack's turn then a pretty doe came by the meadow to say hi to Zack knew it was his stepsister Jade. Jade licked Zack face and he fell in love but Zack was not the only buck that liked Jade. Just then another buck came to have Jade for a mate. Zack knew it was Lane then lane pushed Jade out of the way Zack gets mad at Lane. They started to fight over jade to be her mate. Zack won the fight and Jade and Zack left Lane and went to there den to sleep. Then Zack noticed a starange smell from the distence then the father said it is men and there is more of them this time Zack ran to the den to warn Jade but she ran to find a hiding place. Jade and Zack and all the other animals run to for shelter. Then Zack finds Jade at a cliff with some hunting dogs. Zack fights the dogs Jade jumps off the cliff to the river. Zake tried to find Jade in the river but a hunter shot him in the sholder and felt alot of pain in his sholder. Then the father and Zack go to the river where the other animals are. Then Hopper (son of Jumper) said that Jade had two fawns. Leo (son of Bambi) and the other animals came to see the two new fawns. Everyone was proud of Jade but nobody was prouder than Zack the new Great prince of the forest he was happy of his two new children. THE END
作成者: brenna214


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