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Blingee Oro "Adotta un cucciolo" Ricevi una valutazione media di 4 stelle dopo 10 voti per un Blingee creato durante la Settimana "Adotta un cucciolo" (settimana che inizia il 2009/10/05)

Blingee che hanno vinto questo distintivo

amu - just jump out of your fake world: be yourself!!!
Twilight - Bella, Jacob, Edward and Emmett (Kristen, Taylor, Robert and Kellan)
play chess against the death - if you loose you have to die..
I'm afraid.. We're good friends right now, but if I tell you, that I love you.. will everything break apart??
you wisch to escape this world? Then come to my magic world, full of adventures - my fantasy world!
It was like a dream, when I met you the first time in this beautiful place (look in description!!!)
LOVE - I want to see your smile, so hurry up and come, so I can give my special present to you (sorry for wrong spelling >.<)

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