Jackson Rathbone loverz<3

Jackson Rathbone loverz<3

join if u think hes sooooooooooo sexy and if u think hes super amazing!!!!!!!!!!

plz join if u love jackson rathbone!!!!!!!!!!! i will make it fun with quizs and conests ok! and the winner gets there blingee as the groups icon for a week or until the next quiz or conest! it will mean a lot if u add blingees and leave topics to what kind of quizs u want or what kind of blingee conest i should make. btw if u win this what u get

blingee conest winner get
1)a blingee i made 4 u cause u won
2)ur blingee that u entered in the oconest is the groups icon
3)also ur blingees link is on this fan page so others fan can vote on it

quiz winners
1)also i blingee 4 u
thats all

キーワード: Jackson lOVERz<3 rathbone


1st ever jackson rathbone quiz
updated by: mileyloverfor..., 5051日 前
コメント: 1