w Miley Cyrus the best!!!<3<3


qst è 1 gruppo fantastiko dv ttt si possono sbizzarrire e dire la loro sulla bellixima, bravixima e unika attrice e cantante Miley Cyrus!!!!<3<3<3<3<3se anke voi siete fan sfegatati di questa ragazza SUPER, unitevi al mio gruppo...vi divertirete!!!!!

  • Founder: ghost.fer...
  • Number of Members: 1
  • Number of Blingees: 0
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Ciuletta4ever <3 : )sn la più scatenata fan di :)Miley Cyrus... amo le sua canzoni e tt quello k la riguarda. lei è fantastiiiiiiika!!!!!!<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 Se anke voi cm me la adorate unitevi a me.Cmq Miley 4ever!!!!!       potrete kapire quindi k i miei blingee riguarderanno soprattutto lei..... e, mi raccomando,nn copiate x nexuna cs al mondo i miei suuuper mega belliximi blingeeee:.*smack smak a ttt le fan di miley. W party in the usa e ice creacm freeze!!!!!!Sn contentixima k è uscito il nuovo cd di miley "the times of our life"!!!!!!!!:):):):):):):):):):):):):)P.S.(io adoro anke la fantastika attrice e cantante selena gomez!!!!!)

_______88_____________8888888_ _____
_______88_______________888___ _____
___8888888888____________8____ miley cyrus!!!


  ++++++++++++la migliore+++++++++++

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│o o│  │●°
╰┬──╯  │ ∴°﹒ 
☆\ˍ|ˍ/ˍˍ/∴☆. ☆
MuccaPortafortuna se la copiate e incollate nel vostro
profilo vi porterà fortuna in tutto! Anke nei concorsi dei blingee

____*#######ciuletta e############*

´;;;;;;;;.¸_  coniglietto__¸;;;;;;;´
_ ´:;;;;;;;;;;;´,,________,:;;;;;;;;;;;´¸

IO <3 ANKE LE DIVINE!!!!!! W BRENDA ASNICAR antonella!!!1
abbasso 4ever patty!!!!!
(´*•.¸ (´*•.¸ ¸.•*´) ¸.•* )
        ♥«´¨`•°~~♥ℓαѕ ∂ινιиαѕ♥°•´¨`»♥

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________________.OOO.____________.O. * . *. * . 


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_ciuletta_ _0_0__0_______

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_________♥♥__ROCK____♥♥_______ ____
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║███║    i love music
║((●))║see you again-miley cyrus

I got my sight set on you
and I’m ready to wait
I have a heart that will
never be tamed
I knew you were something special
when you spoke my name
Now I can’t wait to see you again

I’ve got a way of knowing
when something is right
I feel like I must of know you
in another life
‘Cause I felt this deep connection
when you looked in my eyes
Now I can’t wait to see you again

The last time I freaked out
I just kept looking down
I st-st-stuttered when you asked me what I’m thinkin’ ’bout
Felt like I couldn’t breathe
You asked what’s wrong with me
My best friend Leslie said
Oh she’s just being Miley
The next time we hang out
I will redeem myself
My heart it can’t rest till then
Oh oh I can’t wait to see you again 

I got this crazy feeling
deep inside
When you called and asked to see me
tomorrow night
I’m not a mind reader
but I’m reading the signs
That you can’t wait to see me again.


___________@@@@@_@ miley
____________________@ cyrus
_____________________@ best
______________________@ 4ever

 x ttt le fan di hello kitty the best ti amoooooooo<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<
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TITTY!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):)


il mio oggetto preferito:
La Corona (credo ke lo sia)


|_____Miley Cyrus Fan Bus_|_|
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♥«´`•° ashley°•´`»♥
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<3<3<3<3Visitate in tanti il mio super account!!!!
smack* smack* smack* smack* smack* smack* 
P.S.( nn kopiare x nexuna cs al mondo qst cs qui sopra, a parte la mucchina portafortuna, sennò sfiga x ttt la vita!!!!!!!!)
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